Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week One

My project at Club Pet (animal boarding), is to create a Facebook page linked to their website, as well as putting together a short video. We are still waiting on approval for the Facebook page, but I start taking pictures and filming on monday. The video that I will be making will be a short one minute documentary of dog's perspective of Club Pet beginning at the front door and showing all of the fun activities it does while it's there. On site there is a computer with a video editing program called Vegas Pro (I think that's what it's called) that I will be using, they are also supplying the video camera. In the end, I am hopeful that the Facebook and video will be an easy and fun way to get Club Pet more heard about !
I really like the environment in my work area. There is a lunch room, a front desk with a filing room behind it, and my mentor has an office as well which she shares with a few other people. I like how I was given a name tag and a shirt to wear everyday. Everyone is very social with costumers and each other making it a very comfortable environment to be in!

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