Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week Four

I am so thankful that I was accepted into this internship. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every minute of being here. I have such a wonderful mentor, and I have really been enjoying the company of all of the other workers and volunteers here, everyone is so nice to be around. I have really learned to think of businesses differently because of all the work that I know see goes in. I never thought about giant walls of important private files, or certain costumers who ask for very specific things, but as my internship goes on I see more and more of it. It's exciting to feel like your part of and benifiting something so big and important.

I love it here and I already have made plans to continue volunteering at Club Pet. I most likely will be coming in on sundays to help with admin and animal services. I've made so many bonds with people and animals here at Club Pet and I don't think I would be able to just stop hanging out there ;). I also think that interning here has given me a lot of insight on having a real job (which i plan on getting one this summer) whether it's here or somewhere else, I have gained a lot of experience and feel like I would be able to thrive better in another real work environment.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Week Three

"Willoughby's Invisible Trampoline"

This is my favorite little friend of all, Willoughby. He is a Wire Fox Terrier who very often is at Club Pet for day care. Willoughby gets SO excited when people walk past his kennel that he jumps up and down over and over... cutest thing ever. Whenever I see his little face come in i get really excited because I know his family likes him to have lots of services!

I am very appreciative for the people who have taken time to help me learn new things. A woman who works here named Pam, has on numerous occasions taken me aside and shown me how to do various tasks for both cats and dogs, my mentor Myriah has shown me about all of the filing and computer information that goes on at Club Pet and I am also very appreciative for that. I am also overall thankful that I am here and LOVING internship, some of my friends aren't enjoying their internships half as much as I am so I'm very thankful for that.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week Two

A challenge that i have had so far is waiting. I'm very excited to get the facebook page and video page started but unfortunately we have to wait to be approved by a few specific people before we can even make it. Another challenge I have been having is dealing with Photo release forms. We have many pr forms but not all of those animals are boarding so photography and videography has been a little bit difficult and slow. I am hopeful that we can get the facebook approved soon so that we can get started! lastly, in order to interact, play, or walk any of the animals at club pet, you must be trained first because the dogs belong to people, not the center. I am not dog trained yet making these irresistible little puppies untouchable to me! my mentor Myriah told me that if we have time next week that she would maybe be able to train me, after I'm trained i will be able to do tasks with the animals during internship, and after internship when i continue volunteering!

I see my role at internship as someone stepping into a new environment and trying to make a difference. There are many challenges in doing that but it is also a really fun time. I'm hopeful that what i have been doing is making a difference and can be enjoyed by other people!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week One

My project at Club Pet (animal boarding), is to create a Facebook page linked to their website, as well as putting together a short video. We are still waiting on approval for the Facebook page, but I start taking pictures and filming on monday. The video that I will be making will be a short one minute documentary of dog's perspective of Club Pet beginning at the front door and showing all of the fun activities it does while it's there. On site there is a computer with a video editing program called Vegas Pro (I think that's what it's called) that I will be using, they are also supplying the video camera. In the end, I am hopeful that the Facebook and video will be an easy and fun way to get Club Pet more heard about !
I really like the environment in my work area. There is a lunch room, a front desk with a filing room behind it, and my mentor has an office as well which she shares with a few other people. I like how I was given a name tag and a shirt to wear everyday. Everyone is very social with costumers and each other making it a very comfortable environment to be in!